Future Community Projects

We recommend that you start with the following three steps if you would like your street to be the next Food is Free food forest:

1. Connect to the Food is Free Community

Bring yourself and your neighbors to our Saturday workdays. By helping us create a Food is Free food forest, you and your neighbors will gain knowledge, experience, and ideas that will help make your street’s project a success.

2. Request Gardens

Submit a garden request on our website and have your neighbors do the same. When all of the residents (or nearly all) are ready to host a garden, and you have set up a Cultivation Center (see below) your street will become the next Food is Free Demonstration Project !

3. Start a Cultivation Center on Your Street

In order to run learn-as-we-grow workshops on your street, you’ll need a place on your street or very nearby to collect building materials and tools, gather your neighbors, and build garden beds. Once you find a good location, add it to our Cultivation Center map and begin gathering materials.